Unlimited projects, tasks and categories

There's no limit on the number of projects, categories and tasks you can add to your account.

Add as many or as few as you need and organise them however you want!

Dynamic Reporting

There is a complete reports package that comes standard with all user accounts that can be used to display all kinds of data ranges.
After using WorkTimer's time tracking facility there are various ways your data can be displayed for analysis.

Punch In/Out Task Timers

Every task you add can be timed using a simple Start/Pause time tracking system.

When a timer is active it stands out so you can keep on top of multiple timers without having to check which ones are ticking.

Invoice Generator

If a project has a billable hourly rate applied to it then the invoice generator option is available to generate accurate project invoices.

Invoices can either be linked to using a public hash or downloaded as a PDF documents

Desktop Version

We've recently released a desktop application that can be used to manage your account without a web browser.

The desktop application is cross platform and is built using the Adobe Air framework.

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Charts Dynamic Reports

There's a whole section of the site dedicated to generating reports based on the projects, tasks and time you've recorded on the system.

These reports range from data tables for specific date ranges to dynamic graphs that show you where your time is spent and whether you're meeting your task targets.

Invoicing Dynamic Invoicing

Once you've finished a project or task you can use the invoice generator to create dynamic PDF documents containing all of the data you need to charge for your time.

Invoices can be downloaded and emailed as attachments or unique links can be used to send people directly to your invoice.

Free Forever Completely Free!

WorkTimer is not only completely free, there are no usage limitations to any aspect of the system.

Add as much or as little as you want!

Export your data Data Export

All of the projects and tasks you add can be exported in a format that can be imported into almost any analysis programs.

You own all of the data you add to the site so you're free to export and leave at any time.

Secure offsite backup Secure Backups

No only is the WorkTimer website running on Joyent hardware, complete secure offsite data backups are run every night to ensure that your data is never lost.

Why manage your time with WorkTimer?

The aim of this website has always been to provide the best time tracking system available online while keeping it simple enough ensure the emphasis is always on the work you're timing and not on the configuration of the projects and tasks themselves.

There are a lot of bloated and overly complex time tracking applications online but none have been around for as long as WorkTimer.

Every month thousands of hours are recorded on this website, registration is completely free so why not try it out and see if it's right for you!

I want your feedback

If you have any suggestions or features you would like to see added then send your suggestions to support@worktimer.co.uk and they will be added to the development diary.

We use this site everyday so it's more than likely that if there's a feature that could make your life easier, it could make ours easier too!